Youth Programs

Youth Group 

Our youth group meets most Sundays after worship for food, Bible learning and discussion, mission projects and occasional fun outings. All youth grades 9-12 are welcome, as well as mature middle school students and early college students. We welcome LGBTQ+ youth and are a fully inclusive congregation. FMI contact Pastor Gwyneth.

Youth Group playing mini golf through the whole church building Feb 2023

Worship Participation

Children are welcome to fully participate in worship with adults. There is a craft table set up with paper, markers, yarn, etc. and there are activity bags for children who prefer to sit in the pews. Children are encouraged to lift up prayer concerns, help serve Holy Communion (after completing the Kids Communion Class), sign up to read Scripture, greet at the door and other ways we serve within the church family.

Summer Camp

The United Methodist Camp Mechuwana provides camps for all ages throughout the summer. Scholarships are available for those in financial need. The congregation loves to hear about their experience in worship!

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